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unified theory

The "unified theory" describes the origin and evolution of the universe and the evolution of man, and integrates different aspects of reality, from the tangible material world to the highest spiritual levels. In this book, Dr. Nader Battu presents an incomplete "unified theory" based on seven universal laws that form the cornerstone for understanding knowledge and theories in scientific and non-scientific fields, reduces contradictions between them, and unites Western science with its rational-intellectual thinking and the emotional-human experience of the East. This theory forms the basis for an integrative model that simply and clearly integrates the forces of physics, biology, and psychology, and includes within it the vision of scientists, philosophers, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, religion, ethics, philosophy, and spirituality. From this model emerges a model of unified integrative medicine, which views man as an integrated and complex combination of body, soul, spirit, and spirituality. It describes in detail the components of the soul, the origin of the soul, and its relationship to the physical body, and sheds new light on the relationship between psychological crisis and physical illness. The psychological crisis is considered as a primary factor in the formation of an energy blockade in one or more parts of the soul energy, which leads to an imbalance in the electromagnetic energy of the organ in question and takes it out of balance and harmony. The imbalance leads to a malfunction in the biochemical function, and may later lead to a pathological physical change. This medical model redefines the basic terms on which medicine is based: well-being, health, suffering, and disease. It sets itself a fundamental task aimed at achieving physical, psychological, spiritual and social well-being as defined by the World Health Organization.

Dr.Nader Butto

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